Hi everyone!
During GUADEC I and Alexandre had a few long and entertaining evenings nights. One of the topics we talked and coded about was the creation about a http://whatcanidoforgnome.org/ website which would have similar contents to our Get Involved page but be inspired by the famous http://whatcanidoformozilla.org/ page. In contrary to the traditional Get Involved page, this website guides users through questions towards suitable projects and is extensible without loss of simplicity.
Because I already did the same website for my coala project, this is a fun thing to do and I’m sick and bound to my bed I finally found the time to finish our little prototype. You can see it live on – take a guess – http://whatcanidoforgnome.org/. Without question, this project is open source and everyone is happily invited to contribute to the questions as well as the theme upstream – Trust me: it’s dead easy!
All this wouldn’t be that smooth without the awesome work of Ralph from the Fedora sysadmins who created the asknot-ng project and even helped me creating the GNOME theme.
Please let me know what you think of this website! Currently the question set covers only the contents from the traditional Get Involved page but I think we might want to extend it to e.g. guide people by programming language to the actual projects. There are many possibilities to extend this further.