Hey people!
If it’s not fully clear to you, what coala is – it can help you code better. Here’s a video for you:
We have released coala 0.7 lately. We have had a huge amount of new stuff you should check out if you’re interested in code analysis. A few bullets for the most important things:
- coala supports 54 languages by now (see more at https://github.com/coala-analyzer/bear-docs/blob/master/README.rst#supported-languages)
- Experimental caching can speed up your analysis performance by far!
- Shell autocompletion is possible, needs manual set up though because we won’t fiddle with your bashrc.
- Lots and lots of usability improvements. If you have had problems starting out with coala, it should be way easier now Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
I’m also delighted to say that multiple companies seem to be seriously using (as in not only testing out) coala by now and the project still keeps growing in terms of number of participants, commits, getting attention and users.
A large part of the coala people will be at EuroPython, we’ll have a sprint and will probably try to make a sort of mini conference with talks, workshops etc. during those sprints in parallel to hacking. Be sure to drop by if you’d like to know more.
And hey – I’ll be at GUADEC as well – so if you’re interested in getting your project analyzed, ping me about it and we’ll sit together during the sprints! (I’ll at least attend the first sprint day.)